Best wishes for 2014!

p1.2 carte voeuxNormation would like to wish you happiness, health and success as we begin 2014 together. Hoping you also had a great 2013 and are looking forward to what this year will bring us !

For Normation, the year included a total of 5 new releases of Rudder, the co-organising and sponsoring of the very first DevOpsDays in Paris (PS: we’re coming back in 2014!), the first Rudder Introduction Days, training and conferences all across Europe (Rome, London, Madrid, Zurich, Berlin, Oslo…), the launch of the free trial of professional support for Rudder… And not least, our revenues have doubled on our previous year! This clear growth opens up exciting opportunities for us to continue to innovate and evolve our high-quality offering in 2014!

A quick summary of the highlights of  2013 from participation in numerous events relating to open source and configuration management: check out the videos of Jonathan Clarke: Automating securing audit @ RMLL, Open World Forum round table on the future of open cloud and path towards it, and the slides presented on Rudder @ FOSDEM 2013!

We wish to thank each and every one of you for following us, for contributing to the improvement of Rudder, and your support. We hope to live up to your expectations and continue working together in 2014!

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Prove your infrastructure remains compliant! Join our webinar to master CIS benchmarks on March 3rd at 11:30 AM

Security management module details

This module targets maximum security and compliance for managing your infrastructure, with enterprise-class features such as:
Learn more about this module on the Security management page

Configuration & patch management module details

This module targets maximum performance and reliability for managing your infrastructure and patches, with enterprise-class features such as:

Learn more about this module on the Configuration & patch management page