CFEngine Community Event in Montreal

During the CFEngine training session in Montreal two weeks ago, Normation and CFEngine organized a community event, to reach CFEngine users in the French speaking Canada. The event was a success, and we even met some potential CFEngineers there, eager to join the community.

Some CFEngine users or wanabee users in Montreal
Late picture from the event (most beers hidden)

This event was fully sponsored by CFEngine, who we thank extensively for the great beers we enjoyed!

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Rudder robot

Release 8.1: no need to play hide-and-seek with compliance, Rudder Score has been deployed!

Security management module details

This module targets maximum security and compliance for managing your infrastructure, with enterprise-class features such as:
Learn more about this module on the Security management page

Configuration & patch management module details

This module targets maximum performance and reliability for managing your infrastructure and patches, with enterprise-class features such as:

Learn more about this module on the Configuration & patch management page