The following versions were released on 22th June 2017:
- 3.1.21 ESR (changelog, upgrade documentation) – Rudder 3.1 will reach end of life the 22th December 2017. We recommend that any installations using 3.1 be upgraded to Rudder 4.1.
- 4.0.7 (changelog, upgrade documentation) – Rudder 4.0 will reach end of life the 30th June 2017, and it is very likely the last release of Rudder 4.0. We recommend that any installations using 4.0 be upgraded to Rudder 4.1 as soon as possible.
- 4.1.5 ESR (changelog, upgrade documentation) – Rudder 4.1 is now an ESR release. It will hence be maintained at least 6 months after the following ESR release is announced.
Note: A Rudder 4.1.4 version was released but quickly removed due to a bug.
Rudder 4.1 is now an ESR release, which means it will be maintained until 6 months after the next ESR version is announced. The previous ESR release, Rudder 3.1, will hence reach end of life in 6 months, the 21th December 2017.
See our versioning policy for more details.
Changelog summary
In total, 30 bugs were fixed in these releases, see the full changelog (3.1, 4.0, 4.1) for details. A few highlights are mentioned below.
These releases include the following changes:
- [#10708, 3.1, 4.0 and 4.1] Create a rudder agent command to format old logs, called “rudder agent log”
The following important bugs were fixed:
- [#8168, 4.1] If syslog service is stopped, it is not restarted automatically by rudder-agent, so agent doesn’t report anything
- [#9283, 3.1, 4.0 and 4.1] The rpmPackageInstallation technique (deprecated since 4.0) tries to install package-* instead of package when no version is specified
These are bug fix releases, and all installations should be upgraded when possible.
We are impatient to hear your feedback, be it comments, questions on Twitter (@RudderProject) or on IRC (#rudder on Freenode), bug reports or feature requests on the bug tracker (or of course GitHub pull requests).
As usual, follow the upgrade documentation (3.1, 4.0, 4.1) to install new releases.